Have you asked yourself how to archive all the content you have published in social websites and message services? Here there are a compilation of manuals and instructions on how to preserve profiles on social media and messaging services.
Please share your downloading stories using #howtoarchiveit on your platform of choice. If you have an improvement idea or suggestion, please write to howtoarchiveit@protonmail.com or send a pull request to the repository.
Go to Request My Data. → Select the data you want to receive. → Click Submit Request when you're done. → Click the validation link in your confirmation email.
You can submit a data request in addition to accessing a lot of your personal information in Your Account. It takes 22 days to arrive since you made the request, and includes ZIP files with plain text files in CSV format: purchases made, returns, wish list, a list with the "markets" ("marketplaces") in which we have entered with any of our devices, devices in which we have used the Amazon account, Kindle related files,...
Android: Open your phone’s Settings app. → Select Google And then Backup. → Tap Back up now.
Google One: On your Android phone, open the Google One app Google One. → At the bottom, tap Storage. → Scroll to the device backup section. → To find your backup settings, tap Manage backup. → Tap Back up now.
You can back up content, data, and settings from your phone to your Google Account. Backups are uploaded to Google servers and they're encrypted with your Google Account password.
Apple ID account page → Data & Privacy → Manage Your Data and Privacy → Request a copy of your data → Complete request
By exporting your account to Apple, you can get Apple ID account and device information, Apple Media Services information, Apple Online and Retail Stores, Apple Pay activity, AppleCare, Game Center, Maps Report an Issue, Marketing communications, iCloud Bookmarks, Calendars, Reminders, Contacts, iCloud Drive, Mail, Notes, and Photos.
Settings → Account → Export My Data
Bluesky lets you export your account repository, containing all public data records, can be downloaded as a "CAR" file. This file does not include media embeds, such as images, or your private data, which must be fetched separately.
You may not export all of your DeviantArt profile data, but you can download certain information and works that you have posted.
Dashboard → Export → Request Data Export
At Discogs you can download your data from Collection, Contributions, Marketplace Inventory, Marketplace Order Items, Marketplace Orders, and Wantlist.
You can't export chats and profile data from Discord, but you can download data with external software.
Settings → Your Facebook Information → Download
With Facebook you have the option to download your own profile with posts and photos and videos. You can choose the file format, media quality and date range for your download. HTML format is easy to view while JSON format allows another service to more easily import the file. Media quality is the quality of your photos and videos but also affects file size.
Account settings → Your Flickr Data → Request my Flickr data
On your Flickr account page in the area "Your Flickr Data", you are able to request all of your data.
Privacy Settings → Export My Data
Export your Foursquare profile data, with checkins and photos.
Settings → Account → Export account data
In GitHub you will be able to download all your commit comments, images included in issues, issues, issue comments, issue events (i.e. "labeled", "opened", "closed"), milestones, projects, pull Requests, pull request reviews, releases, repositories, users (who have contributed to the repositories).
Google Account → Data & personalisation → Google Takeout
Export a copy of content in your Google Account to back it up or use it with a service outside of Google.
Account -> Control your data -> Export my data
Export your IFTTT data in a machine readable format.
Settings → Privacy and Security → Data Download → Request Download
They will email you a link to a file with your information. You can receive it in HTML, which may be easier to view, or JSON, which may be easier to import to another service.
Me icon → Settings & Privacy → Get a copy of your data → Request archive
LinkedIn provides a very easy way to export your data from the site: companies you follow, Connections, education history, groups, job history, phone numbers, private messages, professional certifications, registration IP, school honors, your emails addresses.
Preferences → Import and export → REQUEST YOUR ARCHIVE
At any time you want, you can download from Mastodon a CSV file for your current followed accounts, your currently created lists, your currently blocked accounts, your currently muted accounts, and your currently blocked domains.
Settings → Account → Download your information → Download .zip
Medium gives you the ability to export your personal data and stories as HTML files in a .zip archive.
Login to account.microsoft.com → Click "Privacy" → Click "Download your data" → Click "Create new archive"
Microsoft lets you download an archive of all the data you've created across its services, such as search, browsing and location history, in JSON file format.
Settings → General → Privacy and data → Export mailbox
Outlook stores all your email, calendar and contacts in your mailbox and you can request a copy of your mailbox at any time. This process may take to four days to complete. When your copy i ready, you'll receive an email with a link to download the content from your mailbox.
Pinterest doesn't offer a way of downloading your boards. But you can use a tool like Conifer (previously Webrecorder.io) to create a web archive.
You can request a copy of data Reddit has about your Reddit account, selecting the type of request is it (General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) or other) and specifying data range.
Settings → Chats and media → TURN ON
Using backups can store Signal messages, pictures, files, and other contents locally on your device, or can use it to move your local Signal data between mobile phone devices.
Request to export all conversations: Select Settings & administration from the menu → Workspace settings → Import/Export Data → Export → submit an application
Export your workspace data: Settings & administration → Workspace settings → Import/Export Data → Export tab → Export date range, open the drop-down menu to select an option → Start Export → We'll send you an email once your export file is ready → Open the email and click Visit your workspace's export page → Click Ready for download to access the zip file
With Slack data exports, owners and admins can export data from their workspace or Enterprise Grid organization. Once an application is submitted, our Support team will review it within a couple of business days. The zip file will contain your workspace’s message history in JSON format and file links from all public channels.
Manage My Account → My Data → Submit Request
Snapchat collects certain information from their users, like phone number and email address. Also collect information about how they use the services, like which Snaps have submitted to Spotlight and Snap Map.
Using Spotify API and external software and 3rd party apps, it is possible to export only lists of songs in playlists and render them in CSV format.
Telegram Desktop → Settings → Advanced → Export Telegram data
Telegram brings an easy way to save conversations on your disk. In just a few taps, you can export some (or all) of your chats, including photos and other media they contain. As a result you’ll get all your data accessible offline in JSON-format or in beautifully formatted HTML. To use this feature, make sure you have the latest version of Telegram Desktop installed on your computer, then click Settings > Export Telegram data. This tool will be particularly useful for users who have millions of messages and can’t easily access the oldest parts of their messaging history.
Privacy → Personalize and data → Download TikTok Data
There is no setting available to automatically save all of the TikToks you post, but you have the option to save each video manually after you've posted it. Exported data can be downloaded in TXT format for an easy-to-read text file or JSON for a file you can import elsewhere.
Account → Settings → Select the blog you’d like to export on the right side of the page → Export → Export [blog name]
You can export all of the content you’ve created for your Tumblr blog, and package it up into a convenient ZIP file for you to download, with active times, ads served, API applications, browser info, dashboard posts, email ads surveys, highlighted posts, most important tags, push notification history, and user interests.
Log in to Twitch and select Settings from your dashboard. → Check the box next to Store Past Broadcasts under Stream Preferences.
Twitch offers users the option of automatically storing their content at the time of posting, but depending on your membership level, you can archive your videos for a fixed period of time after broadcast.Woth a free user account you can archive your Twitch videos for 14 days, and if you are Twitch Prime user you cant archive your videos for up to 60 days, and also you can download your videos.
Settings and privacy → Download an archive of your data → Request archive
Reviewing your Twitter data can give you insights into the type of information stored for your account. It provides an easy way for you to view details about your account, and to make changes as you see fit. You can request a ZIP file with an archive of your account information, account history, apps and devices, account activity, interests, and Ads data. You’ll get an in-app notification when the archive of your data is ready to download.
Once logged → navigate to the Privacy and Communication page → Select Request a copy from the Download your information section → Sign into the email address associated with your Ubisoft Account, and keep an eye out for an email from us letting you know your data is ready (it can take up to 24 hours for it to arrive in your inbox) → Click on the link provided within the email to be taken back to the Account Management site → Navigate to the Privacy and Communication page → Select Download from the Download your information section
Your data will be downloaded in the form of CSV files. And if you wish to access more data than what is included in the extract you downloaded, can submit a Data Access Request.
In Vimeo you can download your videos individually, but there is no official option to download an entire channel. Only paid members have the ability to store their original, unencoded source files on Vimeo as file storage.
Data Management Rules → Download Your Information → Processing Requests
You can download a copy of your VK data and can be requested with the GDPR. VK data copy will be provided as a ZIP file, and divided the information into different categories: photos you liked, money transfer history or a range of your interests which are used to provide targeted advertising.
Back up account info: WhatsApp Settings → Account → Request account info → Request report → (wait three days) → WhatsApp Settings → Account → Request account info → Download report → Export report → EXPORT or Export Report
Back up chats: WhatsApp → More options → Settings → Chats → Chat backup → BACK UP
Export chat history: Open the individual or group chat → More options → More → Export chat
Your account info report will typically be available three days after the date you requested it. You can refer to the Ready by date while waiting for your report. When the report is available to download, you'll receive a WhatsApp notification on your phone, stating "Your account info report is now available".
WhatsApp chats are automatically backed up and saved daily to your phone's memory. Depending on your settings, you can also periodically back up your WhatsApp chats to Google Drive. But if you want an offline copy of all the chats and don't to lose any of your messages, can manually back up your chats.
Google Account → Data & personalisation → Google Takeout
Export a copy of content in your Google Account to back it up or use it with a service outside of Google.